- For over 16 years (since 2008), we've operated a warehouse locator service to find industrial space (warehouse, flex, manufacturing...) for you
- All types of businesses and uses - lease, rent, sale, or purchase
- Let us perform a FREE WAREHOUSE SEARCH for you, too!
- No Gimmicks. No Hassles*. Just Quality Brokerage Services!
(* Disclaimer: Okay, okay - Real Estate does tend to throw a few knucklers, but we'll get you through them.)
Team Member/Author Biographical Page for Steve Watts | Warehouse Finder
Steve Watts, Watts Lab, Inc., CEO and Lead Consultant
Steve’s role in Warehouse Finder is to develop the website, provide
business owner oriented content for the web site, build and coordinate
our Affiliate Broker Network, and track/drive the progress of all
requests provided to Warehouse Finder. Steve provides a similar function for Real Requirements, Precinct Progress, ReFamily, GenConverse, and Find This Space.
Steve retired from Texas
Instruments in 2009 after a diverse and successful 30 year career. His
primary area of expertise centered around semiconductor operational processes, test
engineering and management. He possesses a BSEE, Computer Engineering
Option (earned in 1982 before Computer Engineering was a “thing”) from
the University of Houston, and an Executive MBA from Southern Methodist
University. Steve also graduated from TI’s Manufacturing Leadership
Development Program. Starting in 2007, and since retiring, Steve has
enjoyed his growing family, some travel, genealogy, lots of exercise,
reading, and collaborating with family members on various projects in
the family business - Watts Lab, Inc. In those years, he’s established
his expertise in web development and reestablished himself as a skilled
software developer. Steve is an active commercial real estate professional focused on the industrial space, and is concentrating his efforts today developing
technology solutions for the Commercial Real Estate industry, Genealogy,
and for political information management.